MULTI-Function Sign
in modern LCD (TFT) Technology
TechnologyLCD (TFT) MULTI-Funtion signs res-pond to the growing demand for passanger information in the vehicle interior. Besides "Next Stop", (endless) follow-ing destinations, final stop, line num-ber, "Vehicle Stops" and other important information are presented to the passenger. Complete coverings or presentations with split-screen as well as reports of films and audio files perfect the possibilities of this system. By using that information system travelling gets easier also for foreign passengers.
DetailsThe high luminous destination line display in LCD (TFT) technology with CCFL-Backlight provides even in poor lighting conditions optimal readability. The diverse housing constructions and colours take into account diverse vehicle built-in spaces and customer requirements. The housing is mounted with assembly kits which allow a flexible adap-tation to any built-in situation. Windows XP Embedded Operation System provides shortest booting times. Any time it provides a direct shut down of the operation voltage (no run when not in use).
Imprint - BUSE GmbH | Lise-Meitner-Straße 1-3 | D-42119 Wuppertal Germany | Tel.: +49 202 769 62-16 | E-mail: info@buse-gmbh.de |